Engineered and built to last, the LSP20+ ThermalSolar Hot Solar Water Panels come with a 20 year warranty, and have a 35+ year life expectancy. Photo: Algarve Solar Pool Heating Solutions
Last update: 05-01-2023 - Sponsored Content
ThermoSolar pool heating solution
With a thermosolar pool heating system you are utilising the sun’s energy to heat a non-toxic food-grade glycol solution (thesol) to heat your swimming pool.
The system transfers hot water through a closed loop / sealed circuit via a specifically designed chlorine-resistant heat-exchanger, with digital temperature monitoring and system control.
The LSP20+ High Performance 1444 W flat plate glazed solar collector is engineered not to get as hot as possible, but rather designed to maximise the energy required to operate in all conditions, without overheating.
Overheating being the main cause of stress-damage to a number of components in pressurised solar thermal systems.
The specially designed and manufactured selective coating on the collector plate surface inside the glazed solar panel creates a larger surface area on the collector plate, making this an extremely efficient solar panel that will work not only in direct sunshine, but also in low light levels experienced on a very cloudy day.
The pressurised system enables the Thesol to heat up even in very cold conditions.
Designed to withstand up 190 degrees celsius, there is no need to cover the LSP20+ solar panels in times of high solar radiation and extreme hot conditions with low heat requirements.
With the ThermoSolar hot solar Water swimming pool heating solution you can confidently leave your solar pool heating system running during the hottest times of the year knowing that it will not overheat, and will be safe.

Overheating is the main cause of stress-damage to a number of components in pressurised solar thermal systems. The LSP20+ High Performance panels is engineered to maximise the energy required to operate in all conditions, without overheating. Photo: Algarve Solar Pool Heating Solutions
Engineered and built to last, the LSP20+ ThermalSolar Hot Solar Water Panels come with a 20 year warranty, and have a 35+ year life expectancy.
The ThermoSolar hot solar Water swimming pool heating solution requires little to no maintenance, other than a monthly systems check and an annual service call.
Once fitted, the ThermalSolar Hot Solar Water Swimming Pool Heating Solution, produces heat for your swimming pool, year-round, for FREE !
Designed to be thin and pleasing to the eye
The High Performance 1444 W LSP20+ ThermoSolar hot solar water panels can be installed vertically or horizontally, flush with an existing roof (minimum 15 degrees), on an optimally-angled ground-standing frame, or on a structure that can serve a double purpose such as a pergola, an entertainment area or shaded carport for example.

The ThermoSolar hot solar Water swimming pool heating solution requires little to no maintenance, other than a monthly systems check and an annual service call. Photo: Algarve Solar Pool Heating Solutions
Having a warm swimming pool, using free energy from the sun, will have many positive effects for you and your family!
Benefits to installing ThermoSolar hot solar water panels:
- Massively extended swimming season
- Significantly more swimming pool enjoyment
- Increased property value and rentability
- Once off installation cost
- Minuscule additional running cost
- No moving parts
- Circulates Theosol with indirect heat transfer so no chance of blockages
- Low maintenance – monthly visual check and annual service call
- Intelligent temperature control
Contact Algarve Solar Pool Heating for swift, friendly service & free advice.
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