Quinta Style

30 Estrada de Vale de Eguas - 8135-103 Loule
Seg-Sex: 10:00-18:30 Sáb: 10:00-18:30 Dom: Closed
+351 289 358 007

Sobre nós:

Our 600m2 Studio Shop features our extensive range of high-quality, boutique-tailored furniture pieces, which are produced in Portuguese factories, contributing to the local economy.

Our Online Bundles also include our boutique furniture pieces and offer a web-based, quick and easy interior decoration solution. Items included in our Boutique Bundles can be found and tested in our Studio Shop.

Nós podemos ajudá-lo com:

Tailored Furniture • Boutique Furniture • Interior architecture • Interior design

As suppliers of boutique-tailored furniture & designs, we create interiors which are completed on time, within budget and better than imagined.

Your Interior… Consider it done!

+351 289 358 007