LC Consulting

8 Rua Dr. Raul Batista Horta - 8600 -189 Luz
Seg-Sex: 09:00-16:30 Sáb+Dom: Closed
+351 916 123 473

Sobre nós:

LC Consulting aim to ease the transition of moving to Portugal, as moving to countries requires a lot of paperwork and visits to officials, which can be tedious and time consuming.

No matter how great or small your problem is, let us help you find the solution so you don’t have to. What we cannot solve ourselves, we delegate to our professional partners.

But we can always, if required, act as an interpreter or advisor. We will ensure that you will have all the correct documentation as swiftly as possible and this will allow you to concentrate on enjoying your new life in Portugal.

Our services include:

Mediator and Consulting • NHR applications • Tax • Vehicle import • Registration Certificate

If you move to Portugal, you will need to arrange various documentation with several authorities.

LC Consulting will ensure that you have all the correct documentation as swiftly as possible to allow you to concentrate on your new life in Portugal.

We see it as a challenge to turn your problems into solutions.

Our Assignments:
Mediator & Consulting
NHR applications
Social security issues
Municipality issues
Tax agency issues
Bank accounts
Driving License issues
Import and registration of vehicles
Translations Interpreter
Contract & Lease (Act as representative with power of attorney, etc.)
Promissory contract
Registration Certificate of the Citizen of EU

We are ready to help! Call us today at
+351 916 123 473