Dental Fusion Clinic

Travessa Ingmar Bergman - 8800-744 Tavira | |
Seg-Sex: 09:30-19:00 Sáb+Dom: Closed | | | |
+351 281 323 852 | |
+351 96 486 0404 | |

Sobre nós:
Our aim is to meet the patients needs differentially, delivering high-quality medical/dental services.
The way our team welcomes patients, as well as the spaces design which includes high technological innovation create a customized Dental Medicine service.
We therefore offer an innovating concept that allies a dedicated medical tam, assisted by the most modern means and equipment within a comfortable and convenient ambiance.
Nós podemos ajudá-lo com:
Fixed Prosthesis • Dental Lifting • Whitening
Our professionals and facilities have all the appropriate and necessary means, following the technical guidelines of the General Directorate of Health and the recommendations of the Portuguese Dental Association in this area.
Smile with confidence | | | |
+351 96 486 0404 | |
+351 281 323 852 | |